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Civil Protection Handbook

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Civil Protection Handbook Empty Civil Protection Handbook

Post by C17:i4 Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:05 pm

Civil Protection Handbook Wcp466kcrn9vo3cfg

Welcome to the Civil Protection force, unit. Firstly, we would like to say that we are glad to have you within our ranks. This guide will assist you in your further duties past your initial training. Please be sure to study it carefully as it is very important that you know and understand the concepts presented by this guide in detail.

                                CHAPTER 1: YOUR DUTIES:

As a Civil Protection Unit, you are required to ensure that City 17 is kept under close watch and order. You must remember that nothing can escape your watchful eyes lest the city fall into disarray and chaos. The Metro Police Force is the backbone that holds the city together and in joining with us you will need to do your best to be at your peak efficiency.

                                                      Equipping Yourself

Before you leave the safe haven that is the OverWatch Nexus, you must have the adequate gear to set out, however, it is important that you use discretion as other units may require the same things you do. Our Benefactors recommend that each unit carries the following upon beginning his or her duties:
1x Basic CPU Grade Kevlar Uniform
1x Union Stun Baton
1x Metropolice-Grade Supplements
1x Can of Breen's Water
1x Helmet-Mounted Radio
1x Medical Bio-Gel Canister
1x Rank-Specific Firearm Loadout
4x Boxes of Rank-Specific Ammunition
6x Zip Ties
2x Adhesive Bandages

Once you have obtained these items from around the Nexus, you may begin your duties as a member of the OverWatch on Earth. Now we will move on to your most-important and most-useful duty - patrolling.

                            Finding Good Patrol Partners

As a Civil Protection unit, you are assigned to one of many different Protection Teams. A Protection Team is a group of 2-7 units like yourself who operate together as a cohesive unit. Each Protection Team has a designative callsign, such as MACE, STORM, or SHIELD. Each one of these Protection Teams is headed by a PTC, or Protection Team Captain. The Captain takes direct orders from OverWatch and relays them to units under his or her command.

You, as a unit, are permitted only to patrol with your own Protection Team members unless under very special circumstances. Remember that in a Protection Team you are just as responsible for the actions of your colleagues as you are of your own. To find a patrol partner, locate a member of the Civil Protection who shares your PT Callsign. Sometimes, they will find you first!

Do not attempt to pair yourself with a unit that is unstable, has an inconclusive record, or is not a member of your Protection Team. Not only will it bring consequences upon the unit in question, those consequences will also fall upon you. Please remember to report any units that are preforming inadequately to OverWatch Command as soon as possible.


Once you leave the Nexus with your Protection Team, it is advised to always stick together. There are many instances in which malignant citizens may attempt to attack you or another member of your team, so it is important that you remain in a close group with your team, however, maintain good spacing between eachother. Dividing parts of a large, yet open, district, such as the plaza between members to patrol in is not a bad idea as long as the team stays within radio contact at all times.

While on patrol, stick to the sidewalks unless you need to interact with another citizen or fellow unit that is in the street. Sometimes, citizens may get too close to you and invade your personal space, usually meant to intimidate you or catch you off guard. If they do this, you are permitted to shove them back. If they do this repeatedly, strike them with your stun baton to prevent them from doing it again. Good, respectful citizens, however, are much more common than these types. However, it is important to remember that you are above them now. Be sure to make that known - citizens can be very submissive if you merely approach them.

Try to break up gatherings of three or more citizens, as this is a possible danger of conspiratorial activity. Simply walk up and tell them to isolate, then continue your patrol. Groups of two citizens are fine, so there is no real need to break them up unless they are causing trouble.

When engaging hostile life in combat, once you've neutralized the threat, make sure to tag it. Simply radio in and report as follows: "Tag [number sterilized] [type of life]." Be sure to stick with your Protection Team and pay attention to given orders. You have several duties to take care of while patrolling. Here is a handy list in order of importance to keep track.

1. Follow orders from Dispatch (OverWatch)

2. Ensure the socio-stability of each district of City 17

3. Pacify and detain civil violators

4. Guard and secure checkpoints and locations of importance

5. Monitor and take notes of the activities of citizens whenever possible

6. Fulfill your quotas

                                       Completing Quotas

In order to ascend through the ranks, you are required to complete a variety of different quotas, also known as Objectives. You will regularly be assigned Objectives by Dispatch, and it is your civil duty to follow them. In addition, for future reference, fulfilling quotas is essential to your continued services within the Civil Protection core.

To begin completing a basic quota, simply refer to your Quota Sheet to see the basic quota requirements at your rank.


Here is a list of ranks that your can achieve through Civil Protection service, and the benefits and details of each rank:

Civil Recruit (CR)
An initiate to the Civil Protection, they are not allowed to leave the Nexus or touch a weapon without explicit premission and escort from a PTC. They are equipped with a basic C.P uniform and gas mask. They must complete their training completely before fully joining the Civil Protection forces and being assigned a Protection Team. The Civil Recruit is essentially a citizen in uniform.
The lowest of the Enlisted ranks, they are permitted to carry a stun baton and bandages with them on patrol. They are now authorized to leave the Nexus on their own or with their Protection Team, however they may not leave the City 17 Main Plaza if they are alone. They may re-educate citizens for low-level offenses and detain high-level offenders, but they are not permitted to amputate. These units have completed Basic Training by now.
The i3 is now permitted to carry a 9mm USP Match pistol and bio-gel canisters. They can patrol anywhere in the city, even alone, however it is still advised that all units of any rank remain with their Protection Team members whenever possible. The i3 is now also permitted to amputate malignant citizens, even in the field. Units at the rank of i3 may also participate in sweeps and raids. They can also interrogate now, but not torture.
The i2 is not entitled to any new weapons besides Flares, however they are now permitted to receive memory replacement and are allowed to operate and command Manhacks. They also may place and request Sentry Turrets from OverWatch if needed. At this rank, they can begin Advanced Training, which consists of Advanced Urban Navigation, Hunter-Chopper Piloting, Armored Personnel Carrier Driving, Essential Negotiation Skills, Advanced Combat Training, Combat Engineering, Riot Control Tactics, and Medical Application. They can now engage in torture and interrogative activities towards malignant citizens.
The i1 is now permitted to carry the H&K MP7 Submachine-Gun. They may also deploy and operate City Scanners if given permission from Dispatch. At this rank they may command lower-ranking units if a PTC is unavailable, however they are still subject to the orders of a PTC at all times. They are also allowed to initiate Judgement Waivers, carry smoke grenades, and engage in APC-driving.
Protection Team Captain (PTC)
PTC units are the leaders of their Protection Team. Only one Captain is allowed per PT. They are now capable of all the things that their Enlisted counterparts can do, and they can also initate Autonomous Waivers. They can also carry flashbang and fragmentation grenades at this rank. They may also command any units within their Protection Team and relay orders from Dispatch. They also are entitled to PTC upgraded uniform variants. Units of this rank also are allowed to replace their 9mm pistol with a .357 caliber magnum revolver.

                       Civil Protection Handbook Half_life___anticitizen_one_by_nukeation
Sometimes, a state of emergency is declared in City 17. Other times, there are daily events that go on and need to be regulated by the Civil Protection. These come in the form of Curfews, Community Inspections, Block Raids, Judgement Waivers, Sector Sweeps, and Autonomous Waivers.

Curfew: At dusk, citizens are required to return to their designated apartment block until morning, after which they are let out once more. It is important to keep track of the time of day. Units are required to remain within the district and enforce the curfew. At least one unit is to remain inside while at least two others are to stay outside.

Community Inspection: All citizens must report to the plaza when this is called. Every one of them is to be tied and searched for contraband. Once cleaned, they are to be untied and returned to their business.

Block Raid: A Block Raid is an order in which all available Civil Protection units are to annex a district for a set amount of time, clearing out citizens by any means necessary. Usually called during a miscount or when suspected malignant activity is detected.

Unrest Code: An Unrest Code is called when there is rioting or other forms public dissent in any of the districts. Once called, all units are allowed to carry equipment entitled by the rank above theirs. For instance, an i4 will be able to carry i3 gear, and an i3 can carry i2 gear. PTCs are allowed to carry Franchi SPAS-12 Shotguns during Unrest procedures.

Sector Sweep: A Sector Sweep is an order in which a singular Protection Team is sent to sweep through the City 17 Canals. It is very dangerous to do so, but it is required to prevent escape from the city. It also is a good way to clear out parasitic and necrotic activity. At the very least, three units within the same Protection Team are required to participate in the sweep.

Judgement Waiver: A Judgement Waiver is an alert which is called when there is highly-dangerous activity going on in the City. All citizens are required to return to their designated Union Civil Housing Block and be searched until the waiver is over. Any resistance is to be met with detainment for 4 cycles.

Autonomous Waiver: When the Autonomous Judgement Waiver alert is called, there is a serious danger to City 17 as a whole. All citizens outside of their designated apartment block are to be amputated on sight, regardless of rank or circumstances. Loyalism does not come into effect here - it applies to all citizens.
                   CHAPTER 4: RADIO ETIQUETTE:
                                           Radio Frequency: 117.2
When communicating over your helmet-mounted radio, there are many things to keep in mind. Firstly, refrain from using foul language over the radio. This is considered disruptive to your fellow units. Continuing on, it is important to use radio codes whenever possible to prevent breaches of our planning. As such, you are never to give out the official Civil Protection Radio Frequency to any citizen, under any circumstances.
Here is a list of all the radio codes and terminology you need to know.
10-0: In position
10-1: Bad reception
10-2: Good reception
10-3: Negative/no
10-4: Affirmative/yes
10-7: Off-duty
10-8: On-duty
10-19: All clear
10-14: Stand by
10-20: Location
10-30: Patrolling
10-40: Arrived
10-84: Advise on ETA
10-87: Pick up
10-76: Inbound
10-78: Outbound
10-15: Combine OverWatch Soldier
10-15a: Combine Elite Soldier
10-31: Suspect
10-32: Armed Suspect
10-5: Civil Protection Unit
10-6: Citizen

10-103m: Mentally Unfit
10-34: Riot
10-10: Light Combat
10-11: Medium Combat
10-12: Heavy Combat
10-77: Detaining

11-42: Vortigaunt Conscript
11-99: In Emergency

RIPCORD: Retreat
BOL: Be on the lookout
DB: Dead body
UTL: Unable to locate
POI: Point of interest
647e: Sociostability

Midnight: Cut off radio communications
Civil Unrest: Rebellion
Virome: Headcrab variants
Exogen: Antlion
Biotic: Xenian life-form
Necrotic: Zombie
Parasitic: Headcrab
Sterilize/Amputate: Kill
Stand by: Await orders
Stabilize: Restore order by any means necessary
Sociostability: The current threat level of a certain city block
Restrictor: Antlion Thumper
R.O.E: Rules of engagement
Prosecute: Administer verdict
Pacify: Knock unconscious
Clamp: Guard checkpoint
Viscerator: Manhack
SkyShield: Air support
AirWatch: Combine air forces, such as helicopters, gunships and scanners
OverWatch: The commander of the Combine force on Earth
Outlands: Area outside of the city
Outbreak: Sudden and large attack
Malignant: Unconfirmed anti-citizen
Anti-Citizen: A human who has had their citizenship revoked but is still alive
Isolate: Used to break up groups of more than three citizens
Inject: Enter forcefully
Innoculate: Annex/take over area
Infestation: High headcrab activity
Infected: Anything that isn't a citizen or member of the Union
Extract: Evacuate the area
Inbound: Moving towards
Examine: Search
Extractor: Grenade
Diagnose: Determine the threat level of a given situation
Contain: Cut off anti-UU activities, such as rioting, before they spread
Cleaned: All clear
Deploy: Enter area
Contact: Enemy spotted
Bouncer: Compressed Dark Energy (AR2 OSIPR Alt-Fire)
Bio-signal: The life signs of an individual

Posts : 18
Join date : 2014-04-30
Age : 104
Location : Black Mesa Research Facility, New Mexico

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